As many of you may already know Competitions are incredibly nerve racking.
I recall back to my first ever meet and not literally having a clue what was even about to happen and how. So I'm here to help with that.
lets start from the beginning, say your weigh in starts at 8:00 AM - 10:00AM. Get weighed in and tell the person weighing you in your first attempt. make sure its something you can lift for 2-3 reps, after, make sure your fuelled up. Isotonic drinks, plenty of carbs, keep to foods that are quickly digestible.
Your next objective is to find out what flight your in. Lets say your not flight A which goes first (so thats easy to figure out ) lets say lifting starts at 10:30, group A has made the start on their 1st attempts.
If you are in group B then its time to start warming up. Remember to keep paced and check in on where group A are. When Group A has started their 3rd attempts you need to be doing your last warmup set.
If however you are at the bottom of your group and the last to lift within your flight you can probably get away with doing your last warmup when the last man in group A has lifted.
You will be resting longer than you want however there isn't much you can do to change that.
After your first attempt you need to go straight to the table on either your left or right and give in your 2nd attempt. You may have only 60s to decide so be certain.
Another tip to take on is keep the intensity backstage low. save that for your 3rd. go balls to the wall when there's nothing to lose.
And that's pretty much it. now this is just handling on the day, diet strategy and competitive strategy is another topic for another day...